Monday, September 19, 2005

Day Two - Mr Bones

Comrade - First Real Recording - Diving In

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

"The only thing we have to victimize is victimization itself!" - the deep south turns out to be about twelve feet deep

Monday, August 29, 2005

Crawford, Texas - Revolutions are only allowed outside city limits (and this isn't one of them)

How the hell did I get out here? Odder still, how is it that my IBM typewriter is able to pick up a wireless signal out here in this postmodern dustbowl?
No, wait, if I only get one question I'd rather know how I got into this bath tub-left-for-the-wolves here in this dirty ravine where I have now awakened, finding my left leg tucked so economically beneath my body that its slumber appears to, in fact, be a coma.
That's right, folks, Romulus here, reporting from "Camp Casey" just down the road from the "Western White House" with my cohort Remus the bath tub.

Wait. before I can do this I require some sweet and glorious brew. I hate to be one of those who sings praises to coffee, but these typewriters require us to push down quite a bit harder than the computers of this golden age. Besides, it's in my contract! Ok, I'll be back with the truth and maybe some photographs if I can find a USB connection on this dinosaur. What this means is that once again I'll be stealing pictures from the AP.

Ciao for now

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Even God has a blog

Strange circumstances over the last few measurements have left me both in need of expressing the odd details and also of a new arena for doing just that. Hello, nobody. I'll be your example, both good and bad, depending on just where you happen to be right now, progressively speaking.

What's the score here? Somebody tell me just what's going on? I'm new in this town and I need the full scoop so I know what kind of gun to carry.

Ciao for now,